Language : Urdu
Pages : 104
Binding : Softcover
1. Reading,Tracing,Writing,Picture identification &
Coloring of Urdu Alphabet.
2. Learning of Half Letters, 2 Letters Words & 3 Letters words
through Identifications,Writing and other Different Activities.
3. Identification of Animals,Birds,Flowers,Fruits,Body Parts,
Colours & Numbers.
4. Ta'wwuz & Tasmiyyah with Translation.
5. Deeniyat Learning with Practice of Kalima,Duas & Surah
with Translation.
6. Regular Revisions,Activities & Tests for better
Understanding of Concept.
7. Basic knowlwdge about Almighty Allah, Holy Quran,Prophet(pbuh),
Ahle Bait & Companions of Prophet(pbuh)in Q.&A. Format.
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